A listing of all Tanks is available in SKY Energy. The list can be narrowed down by selecting the Filter icon and entering a filter criteria or search by ID, Name, Address, or City and State in the Search Customers bar located in the header. When typing, the grid will populate based on the text entered. Choose the Ellipsis at the top to Reset Grid from filtering or Autofit Columns. Empty fields displayed on the Tank grid will be displayed as a double dash ( -- ) rather than empty.
- Tank Serial Number – Selecting a Tank’s Serial Number from the Tank grid will redirect to a detailed information page for that specific tank.
- Calculated by – Displays what the Estimated Left (%) is being calculated by.
- Monitor – Displays when a monitor reading for the tank within the last 5 days is available.
- K-Factor – Displays when no reading within the last 5 days and the Update k-Factor option is on for the tank.
- If not calculated by either, the grid will display a double dash ( - - ).
- Estimated Left (%) –If a tank has a reading within the last 5 days, a percentage bar will show along with percentage amount.
- Very low/Critical, under 25%, will be seen as red.
- Low levels but not yet critical, 26% - 50% will be seen as yellow.
- Normal levels, 51% - 100%, will be green.
- If a tank does not have a tank reading within the last 5 days, the cell will display a double dash ( - - ) or empty.
- Delivery Type – Displays the Delivery Type associated with the tank. This could be Calendar Days, Scheduled Delivery, or Will Call.
- Weather – Selecting the Weather icon displays the local weather for that specific tank.
For more information on how to use the Tank grid see, Using Grids in Agvance SKY.
Selecting a Customer name opens the Overview page. To view more Customer details select the Customer name link on the Tanks tab to open that specific Customer’s SKY Customer Overview page. Read more about the SKY Customer Overview page.