Purpose The EF Import Recon dashboard can be used to help reconcile transactions that have been imported into Agvance from Energy Force using the Daily Clear Import. Details The date filter uses the transaction date from the Agvance Invoice and...
Created On: 10/10/2024
in Knowledge Base Accounting
Q. Do Product Requests interface with Contain? A. Product Requests do not impact Contain. Q. Is there an option to get the total dollar amount on the Delivery Ticket? A. The printed Delivery Ticket will show the Unit price, but it do...
Those designated as Analytics Authors have the ability to add a Quick Filter to certain standard and Company Content dashboards in SKY Analytics. To add a Quick Filter to a dashboard, navigate to that dashboard and select Edit Dashboard ...
A listing of all Tanks is available in SKY Energy. The list can be narrowed down by selecting the Filter icon and entering a filter criteria or search by ID , Name , Address , or City and State in the Search Customers bar located in the h...
Created On: 10/09/2024
in Knowledge Base Hub CRM
The companies that export Invoices created in Energy Force to Agvance often have their customers set up for CRM so that their Invoices are emailed to the customers when generated in Agvance. The emails will only send out automatically without ad...
– Key Highlight
SKYR-494 / Customer Name Link – View more Customer details by selecting the Customer name link on the Tank grid to open that specific Customer’s SKY Customer Overview page.
SKYR-507 / Tank Grid Columns Added – New...
Accounting Transfers FTM-4077 / PMR Export AgvAgent – When running the PMR Export at Transfers / Exports / PMR Export using Agvance Agent, the Product Classifications saved with the Load Set are honored. Hub Reports FTM-3989 / Bar C...
Scale Ticket Notifications by Text and Email | Grower360 Recurring Payment Options | Order Plans in SKY Customer | Thank You for Attending SKY Unite 24 | SKY Dispatch Quick Filters | Analytics Product Dashboards | Are You Prepared for Tax Season? ...
AN-3146 / Vehicle Expense – The AP Bill data source now includes the Vehicle Description for the Vehicle on the AP Bill line item (agvehicle.description).