The Vehicle Expense dashboard honors User restrictions based on GL Account Category and Profit Center. Purpose View vehicle expenses by GL Account and Vendor and view additional Details . Details The Description and Comment from the ...
AN-3144 / Product Cost Audit – A new ProdCostAudit data source has been made that extracts data from the ProdCostAudit table in Agvance.
AN-3144/ Product Cost Audit Dashboard – The Product Cost Audit dashboard available under Admin in SKY Analytics shows details of Product cost changing and displays the transaction and cost that changes in the Comment column. AN-3146 /...
The Product Cost Audit dashboard honors restrictions based on Product Location. Purpose This dashboard shows details of Product cost changing and displays the transaction and cost that changes in the Comment column. Details Filter this da...
Testing was performed with an iPhone 13 on iOS 18.0. Only Chrome and Safari were used for testing as they are the browsers supported for SKY.
Be sure both the device iOS version and browser applications are updated to the latest versions.
SKYW-3830 / Blend Tickets – Blend Tickets can now be displayed as view-only information in Grower360 upon completing some setup in SKY Admin . ...
SV-1939 / Export Prior Years' Bills – Prior Years' Bills can now be exported as a CSV file.
Version 4.21 Web HW-10551 / Import Events – When there is a valid timestamp for an imported coverage Event, the date displayed in the Event strip on the Events step of the import wizard and the Data Conflict window for both new data bei...