Version 4.23 Web
HW-9489 / Reports Email Selected – If an email is entered in an incorrect format in the Email Selected area in the Report grid, the Send button is disabled until a valid email has been entered.
HW-10625 / Action P...
Seed orders can be tracked at Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders . Once a Grower Order is established, all or part of the order can be transferred to another Field, Grower, or group of Growers. Note: An option is available to Hide R...
Agvance is designed to post payments received from customers to a holding account other than checking often called Cash on Hand or Undeposited Cash .
This holding account accumulates the in...
The Sky Soil Test Report displays soil test results by point including a surface layer. The surface view can be updated in the Layers tab of SKY Mapping to reflect different legend values or color ramps. Navigate to Reports / SKY Mapping and s...
This dashboard honors user restrictions based on customer location. Purpose This dashboard displays Customer Tech License information. Details Filter to display expired or non-expired licenses based on the date in the filter. Additional filte...
This dashboard honors User restrictions based on login Location.
The Grain Activity Dashboard gives the ability to see total units available for grain activity.
Quick highlights of overall purchase quantity...
Purpose The Audit Log dashboard displays a log of all Change Types happening. Details View detailed log information and optionally filter by Change Type , User Name , and Start Date / End Date . ...
This dashboard is based on data from a scheduled extract that occurs daily. Purpose The Bookings by Customer Ship To dashboard displays a map of Customer Ship To locations with an open Booking. The table below the map displays a list of open ...
SKY Mapping reports can be grouped into books giving the ability to more easily print a specific set of reports that they use most often. Steps to create report books are as follows:
Select Report Books from the Setup menu.
The In-Transit Shipment utility is a method to mass enter an In-Transit price for shipments that are In-Transit without the need to edit every shipment. The process will update the In-Transit price on the shipment so that when running the In-Transit...