Last Updated: 11/30/2023
in Education eLearnings
This lesson familiarizes you with the information stored in the Hub Products Master File.
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All Sales Orders are displayed including the Ticket # , Date , Customer , Location , and Status . Note: Sales Orders must be enabled in SKY Admin before they can be viewed in SKY Order.
Select the Ellipsis ...
A company logo may be added to the following types of documents:
AP - ACH Payment Advice
AR Invoice
AR Statement
Booking Contract
Booking Document
Budget Billing Statement
Deferred Payment Contract
Purchase Contract
Blend Ticket Overview
Blend Tickets are generated for a customer’s Field. A Field must exist for the customer before a Blend Ticket may be created. Fields can be added one at a time at Hub / File / Open / Fields or a gene...
Last Updated: 02/02/2024
in Knowledge Base Hub Hub Setup
Similar inventory items are categorized or grouped (i.e., dry fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, chemicals, feed, etc.). These groups are called departments. There are options set at the department level that affect the items in that department. The Agv...
Last Updated: 07/29/2024
in Knowledge Base Hub Hub Setup
Several different options may be used in Agvance for setting payment terms and discounts in the Planning, Blending, and Accounting modules. Discounts may be defined as flat percentages, dollar amounts for different volume levels or as graduated ta...
Last Updated: 09/14/2023
in Education eLearnings
The purpose of this course is to provide basic instructions for Delivery Ticket workflows.
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The Accounting Location setup area includes a Preferences tab where the key G/L posting accounts are defined. Those companies with multiple locations will set up each plant separately at the home office. Key Account Codes – Define the G/L A...
Last Updated: 09/06/2023
in Education eLearnings
GL Accounts, P&L Categories, Location Level Key Accounts, and Journal Entries are demonstrated and reviewed. Learning can be customized and shortened by only completing needed topics. Start Course ...
Setup By Customer By Department Multiple salespeople can be added to a Customer profile in Agvance. Selecting Sales. Overrides on the Customer Profile tab opens the Department Salesperson Overrides window. Here, all departments ar...