Stock Classes are defined at Setup / Stock Classes.
- Name – Enter the name of the Stock Class (Ex. Common Stock).
- G/L Acct – Enter the General Ledger Account number or double-click and choose the account from the Select a G/L Account list. This G/L Account is the Capital account where the Stock Class posts.
- Class ID – This is enabled when the Stock Class is set to auto-number. A Class ID may optionally be entered. If entered, the Class ID is pre-pended to Stock Certificate number when Stock Certificates are added.
- Classifications – Optionally select the Stock Class Classifications.
- Additional Payout Class – This option is used to select an associated Stock Class. This Additional Payout Class is used on the Pay Out window with the Payout Per Class option.
- One Certificate per Patron for This Class – This is used in pre-scans and system verifications to ensure that no Patron has more than one certificate for that specific Stock Class. This option should not be selected if a Patron may hold more than one certificate for that Class.
- Auto Number – When creating Stock Certificates in this class, select this option if the certificates should be numbered automatically.
- Non-Qualified – If selected, dollars deferred to this Stock Class are not reported until paid out. These non-qualified amounts are reported in box 5 of form 1099-PATR.
- Print on Check Stub – Select this option if this Stock Class should be included on the check stub when paying detail patronage checks.
- Include in Total Equity – Select this option if this Stock Class is to be included in the calculation of total equity on the patronage payout.
- Maximum Number of Shares – Optionally enter the maximum number of shares available for the Stock Class. Entering a 0 in this area means there is no maximum number of shares. When using the Add to Equity function or the Equity Transfer - Add Certificates function, if the number of shares being added would exceed this maximum, a message is given and the transaction is stopped.
- Calculate – With the Maximum Number of Shares entered, selecting this calculates the Issued and Remaining amounts for the number of shares.
- Last Stock – This is the last certificate number used. This input area is available when Auto Number is checked.
- User Defined – There are six User Defined checkboxes that may be used for filtering purposes in other areas of the program. There are two User Defined Cross Reference text fields to be used for text storage only.
When adding a new Stock Certificate and selecting the Stock Class, these values default to the new Stock Certificate.
- Dividend – If a dividend is paid on this Stock Class, select this option.
- Dividend Rate – Enter the default rate for the dividend.
- Interest – If interest is paid on this Stock Class, select this option.
- Interest Rate – Enter the default interest rate for the Stock Class.
- Value per Share $ – Enter the default value per share for this Stock Class.