Grower Order Unordered Quantity Recon Report - Supplier eLink

The Unordered Quantity Recon report provides a list of Products on Grower Orders that have not been marked as ordered, indicating that the requested quantity on that line of the order has not been successfully transmitted to the seed Vendor. 

The report allows for open Grower Orders to be grouped together by Vendor or Location, with an option to Exclude Zero Requested Quantity records.

  1.  Navigate to Accounting / Inventory / Manage Seed Orders / Grower Order.
  2. On the Select a Grower Order window, choose Reports.
  3. On the Grower Order Reports window, optionally select the Vendors and/or Locations for which to run the report. 
  4. By default, all line-items on open Grower Orders are included in the results. To exclude line-items that have in the Requested Qty column, select the option Exclude Zero Requested Quantity. Choose OK.  
    Note: If a Vendor or Location is not specified, results will be grouped by Vendor first followed by Location.