After entering the day’s activity, the following steps are recommended to prove out and close out the day’s DPR.
- Print the Audit Report ordered by Ticket Number selecting the Date range of tickets needed to check for any missing Scale Tickets. This report is found at Grain / Grain Reports / Scale Tickets / Audit Report (Commodity Tracking).
- Print the Daily Scale Ticket Summary to check for accuracy. This is found at Grain / Grain Reports / Scale Tickets / Daily Scale Ticket Summary.
- Verify grain handling shrink, and post adjustments at Grain / Operations / Post Grain Handling Shrink.
- Print the Purchase Settlements and check for accuracy. This is found at Grain / Grain Reports / Settlements / Settlement Destination Reports.
- If Settlements are not posted live (this preference is found on the Grain / Setup / Preferences / Posting tab), then Grain Post Purchase Settlements. At Grain / End of Period / Grain Posting, check only Post Settlements.
- At Grain / Grain Reports / Shipment Settlements, set GL Posted to No. Print the Shipment Settlement Listing report and check for accuracy.
- At Grain / Grain Reports / Shipments, select the Shipment Listing report, and set Completed to No and Direct Ship to All. Print the report and check for accuracy.
- At Grain / Grain Reports / Commodity Transfers, set the Posted Status to No. Print the report and check for accuracy.
- At Grain / Grain Reports / Grain Bank Shipments / Grain Bank Shipment Listing, set Reconciled to No, Completed to No, and Posted to No. Print the report and check for accuracy.
- Reconcile Grain Bank Customer Balances.
- Run the Grain Bank Customer Status report to review which customers need Grain Bank Assembly Balances settled to a Grain Bank Contract. This is found at Grain / Grain Reports / Grain Bank Shipments / Grain Bank Customer Status.
- At Grain / Operations / Settlements, add a Settlement to Grain for each customer’s Grain Bank Assembly as needed to reconcile Shipments.
- At Grain / End of Period / Grain Posting, post all daily tickets entered, including Scale Tickets, Commodity Transfer, and Grain Bank Shipments. The posting will permanently set the transactions to the DPR.
- Run the Grain Bank Reconciliation utility at Grain / Utilities / Grain Bank Reconciliation Utility.
- At Grain / Grain Reports / Daily Position Reports, print a Daily/Trading Position report, and verify it is in balance. The NEW BALANCE should equal TOTAL INVENTORY. If this is not in balance, run the Detailed DPR to help rectify. Out of balance conditions should be corrected prior to continuing. A detailed report may be printed to see the Purchases and Sales Contracts.
- Perform the DPR Posting at Grain / End of Period / DPR Posting. This clears grain in, grain out, local sales, transfers, adjustments, and updates the previous balances displayed on the DPR. Additionally, all the day totals on the commodity are set to zero.
- It is recommended to post Purchases, Shipments, and Company Owned Adjustments to the General Ledger daily to help insure the checking account is kept current.
- Print the Grain Purchase Report, using the current date for the Settlements Through Date. In the Posting Options, select Post to GL. Review the resulting report; make any corrections necessary, and when it is accurate, post to the G/L. This report is found at Grain / GL Posting Reports / Grain G/L Posting Reports / Grain Purchase Report.
- Print the Grain Sales Report, using the current date for the Settlements Through Date. Select In the Posting Options, select Post to GL. Review the resulting report; make any corrections necessary, and when it is accurate, post to the G/L. This report is found at Grain / GL Posting Reports / Grain G/L Posting Reports / Grain Sales Report.
- Print the Grain Company Owned Adjustment report using the current date as the Adjustment Through Date. This report is found at Grain / GL Posting Reports / Grain G/L Posting Reports / Grain Company Owned Adjustment.
- Post to GL as a Purchase uses the Purchase account for all the commodity/locations to create the journal entry to post to the general ledger.
- Post to GL as a Sale uses the Sales account for all the commodity/locations to create the journal entry to post to the general ledger.
- Print the Shipment Advance Report using the current date as the Advance Through Date. In the Posting Options, select Post to GL. Review the resulting report, make any corrections necessary, and when it is accurate, post to the general ledger. This report is found at Grain / GL Posting Reports / Grain G/L Posting Reports / Shipment Advance Report.
- Run the Futures/Options P & S Report to compare the broker’s statement for closed contracts to assist in making a journal entry for gains and losses. This is found at Grain / GL Posting Reports / Mark to Market Reports / Futures/Options P & S Report.
- Run the Open Futures/Options Report to assist in reconciling the broker’s statement. This is found at Grain / GL Posting Reports / Mark to Market Reports / Open Futures/Options Report.