Adding General Ledger Accounts
General Ledger Accounts can be added at Accounting / File / Open / G/L Accounts or by selecting the yellow File Folder and choosing G/L Accounts . Select Add on the Select a G/L Account window. Profile The Arrow icons at the bottom of...
Replicate General Ledger Accounts
This utility, found at Hub / Utilities / Admin Utilities / Accounting / Replicate GL Accounts , copies information (account type and generic parts of the ID) from existing G/L Accounts and creates new accounts with unique IDs that are user-specifie...
General Ledger Splits
If certain expenses are regularly split among several accounts based on a predetermined percentage, this optional feature may be utilized. Several splits could be defined with unique Split IDs. Adding a G/L Split can be found at Accounting / Setup ...
Inactivate General Ledger Accounts
General Ledger Accounts can be inactivated by checking the Inactive checkbox on the GL Account's Profile tab. A GL Account cannot be inactivated if: It is used on a Journal Entry in the current year. It is used to subtotal to another GL...